Step 2: Prepare
Your Objection

Use our bot to research and prepare your objection. 
Please always state which site number and address you wish the bot to research and prepare an objection for, (e.g. Land off Hockley Road, Hatton Green (Ref ID 160)). 

Copy the response into word and continue to personalise as necessary. 
You can always ask the bot to reveal it's sources if you aren't sure of the output.
Note that AI bots are tools that can sometimes fail.  
Please check the content of the bot's response before copy and pasting, and please query the bot a number of times to help it personalise your objection. We accept no responsibility for any errors generated. Use at your own risk.
Click to open a larger picture
This is the area of Hatton affected by the proposed "New Settlement" which is collectively known as B1.

B1 above is currently marked as "More Appropriate for development"

B1 includes the following sites:
Hatton New Community (Ref ID 153)

Land off Hockley Road, Hatton Green (Ref ID 160)

Land adjoining Southside, Hatton
(Ref ID 136)

Land adjoining Birmingham Road, Hatton Green (Ref ID 159)
Write your awesome label here.


Pick sites to oppose

Send your objection

Write your awesome label here.
  1. Don't send an objection as a group or couple
  2. Don't base your objection on personal arguments such as the proposed development being next to your house
  3. Don't forget to reference the site or sites you are objecting against
  4. Don't just give us your email address and forget about it - that's not enough!!
  5. Don't rant, be impolite or swear in your objection - remain objective
  6. Don't miss the dealine

Save our village

Send your formal objection today:

You must provide a valid objection to stop these developments
Time is running out.

Step 3: Check and send

Please check the contents of the letter ensuring you have met the following criteria:
  • Site and address
  • Relationship to site
  • Download or copy emails
  • Genuine Planning Reasons
  • Separate objections per site
  • Paste into to field of email
  • Attach any evidence (e,g, traffic reports, expert opinions)
  • Individual objection for each family member
  • Sent objection to the list below
  • Personalised
  • Polite conclusion requesting refusal of the allocation proposal
Write your awesome label here.
Do Identify the Site and Your Relationship to it. 
E.g. Mention the reference number, site address (see previous), and give a general overview of your views. For example: “My involvement with this area is …
Write your awesome label here.
Do come up with genuine planning reasons for your objection
e.g. Traffic and Access – increase of traffic, congestion, traffic flow, statistics, parking, pedestrian safety, poor public transport – trains, or buses.
Write your awesome label here.
Conclude your objection letter: 

Recap your main objections for the proposal, “I believe these objections are important because …” 

Make a polite request that planners and councillors refuse the Allocation Proposal from the developer/ site proposer, based on the reasons you’ve provided. 

Remember! planners want clear and concise documents to read and so do councillors. 
Write your awesome label here.
Send to the following people

Go back to the home page

Keep Hatton Rural Sister Campaign

Who are we?

Residents of the Green, Hatton.