Step 1: Join the cause

An increase in Hatton Parish from 2,400 residents to 22,000?  

The South Warwickshire Local Plan has identified Hatton as a 'more suitable' location for a new settlement, but what does this mean for us? Increased traffic, pressure on schools and healthcare, and a loss of green spaces, impacting ecological and historical spaces like the church and ancient woodlands. 

The consultation period is open until 7th March 2025. Review the preferred options for development and write an objection before it’s too late.  Sign up below.

First Name

Last Name

E-mail address

Your message

Thank you for completing step 1.  Please look out for our emails for the next steps or proceed straight to step 2 if you have 10 minutes to spare now.
Click to open a larger picture
This is the area of Hatton affected by the proposed "New Settlement" which is collectively known as B1.

B1 above is currently marked as "More Appropriate for development"

B1 includes the following sites:
Hatton New Community (Ref ID 153)

Land off Hockley Road, Hatton Green (Ref ID 160)

Land adjoining Southside, Hatton
(Ref ID 136)

Land adjoining Birmingham Road, Hatton Green (Ref ID 159)
Write your awesome label here.
  1. Don't send an objection as a group or couple
  2. Don't base your objection on personal arguments such as the proposed development being next to your house
  3. Don't forget to reference the site or sites you are objecting against
  4. Don't just give us your email address and forget about it - that's not enough!!
  5. Don't rant, be impolite or swear in your objection - remain objective
  6. Don't miss the dealine
Write your awesome label here.


Pick sites to oppose

Send your objection

Step 2: Write the objection letter

If you have time to send your objection now then please hit the button below for precise directions.

Save our village

Do these two things:

You must provide a valid objection to stop these developments
Time is running out.

Keep Hatton Rural Sister Campaign

Who are we?

Residents of the Green, Hatton.
News Item
Tab 2 label